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How Much to Pay Family Member for Child Care

Should I pay my relative for caring for my child?

This is a tricky question. Yes, you should pay, but that doesn't mean that this person will accept money or that your payment has to be in dollars. Some relatives will simply refuse payment, saying it's their pleasure (or duty) to help take care of a member of their family.

"I don't want to take advantage of my relatives by assuming that they'll babysit for free," says Tamara Rasey, a BabyCenter mom. "They usually refuse the money, saying that it's a privilege to babysit, but I offer anyway."

If this is the case for you, find some other way to compensate your relative for her time. Get her gift certificates for restaurants, movie theaters, or her favorite store; surprise her with a thank-you card and a bouquet or homemade treat every few weeks; offer to pay a household bill or help with chores or yard work.

"I bring my mother and my mother-in-law gifts from time to time, like flowers or their favorite pie, or cookies or fresh bread from the bakery," says Gina Lee, mother of one. "They like to know that they're appreciated!"

Make sure you respect your relative's need for days off and vacation time. She's providing a tremendous service to your family, and should feel confident that she's not taken for granted.

You probably don't need to draw up a contract as you would for a nanny. But you might want to put some things in writing, so both of you are clear about the details of your arrangement.

cartoon image of piggy bank

Calculate the cost of your baby's first year, including gear, diapers, childcare, and more.

How should I arrange it, and how much should I pay?

If you work out a form of monetary compensation, set up the same system you would for any employee. Make clear in writing:

What you will pay. Payment can run the gamut, but keep this in mind: Daycare center employees typically make a little more than the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour; nannies can earn as much as $25 per hour (based on a 40-hour week). If you pick a figure in that range, you should be fine. You can also agree on a weekly sum — based on the same figures — rather than an hourly commitment, if that's easier to keep track of.

When you will pay. Will you pay every week? Every day? Agree on this at the outset and follow through.

Whether you offer paid holidays. This is a nice touch and will help make your relative feel appreciated. It also adds some professionalism to your relationship.

Whether you offer vacation time. Again, this is where a little goes a long way. Making a point to schedule her time off acknowledges that you understand how hard it is to take care of a child every day and you appreciate her help.

Relative care will require a few extra expenses — food, age-appropriate toys, a variety of games and activities, and so on — that are usually included in a daycare center's fee. If your relative buys these things, be sure to reimburse her. They're business expenses, after all.

How Much to Pay Family Member for Child Care
