This article exists as function of the online archive for HuffPost Canada, which airtight in 2021.

No ii families are alike. There are big families and small-scale families, blended families, childless families, and families that no longer have parents.

We all know this, fifty-fifty though at that place'southward still a pervasive cultural norm that families aren't "complete" until they have at least two children. Merely that concept of a nuclear family with multiple kids is starting to interruption down, every bit more than and more couples opt to stop after one kid.

Statistics Canada has institute that the number of families with merely i child is increasing slightly. Single-kid homes made up 37.3 per cent of households with kids in 2001; in 2011, that number went upwards to 38.half dozen per cent. The total fertility rate that year was 1.61 children per woman, and past 2016 information technology had gotten fifty-fifty lower: ane.54 children per woman.

That's "the lowest level observed since 2003," and "shut to the lowest total fertility charge per unit observed in Canadian history," Statistics Canada noted.

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This is on par with numbers from around the world. In the U.South., the average number of children has gone downwardly from 2.five children to ane.ix. In England, 46 per cent of families accept one child. In Spain and Portugal, it's virtually thirty per cent, and it's too condign more than common in Italy, France and Germany, The Toronto Star reports.

Merely all the same, there'south a stigma.

"If you have one child, you lot are made to feel guilty for non having some other," Susan Newman, the author of The Case for the Only Kid, previously told Psychology Today. "Your mother, your friends, fifty-fifty strangers tell you lot that "You tin can't have just one. How can you do that to your child?"

Many of the myths about only children — that they're spoiled, desperately-behaved, and aren't fully socialized — persist, even though those finds mostly come from a single 1896 study that has since been debunked. More contempo peer-reviewed studies find that only children aren't really all that different from kids with siblings, Time has reported.

(One exception: but children exercise score college than average in measures of intelligence and achievement, something they share with firstborns and children with 1 sibling.)

Watch: Why merely children may exist more than creative. Story continues after video.

There are several reasons why merely child families are on the rise:

The economic price of having a child

Kids are not cheap. Co-ordinate to MoneySense, the boilerplate cost of raising a kid to age 18 in Canada is $253,946.97 — a number that increased by over $10,000 between 2011 and 2015. The single biggest cost is childcare, but food, clothing, health intendance, increased transit costs and recreation are all meaning, as well. When the New York Times polled Americans who didn't want large families, the virtually common answer they received was that child intendance is also expensive.

Group of kids sitting on the carpet in their kindergarten classroom.They are clapping along to music.

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Grouping of kids sitting on the carpet in their kindergarten classroom.They are clapping forth to music.

Immature Canadians take more household debt and less secure jobs than their parents' generation, and home buying is out of reach for many of them. It stands to reason that many don't accept the financial ways to raise large families.

The changing role of mothers

Equally women go along to go more active in the workforce, they're starting families later on. From the 1950s onward, the boilerplate age at which a woman had a kickoff child was 24, only that number has risen steadily since the mid-70s, co-ordinate to Statistics Canada. In 2011, the boilerplate age at offset birth was 28.five years sometime — the oldest age on record. The boilerplate age for births more often than not, in 2016, was thirty.viii.

For women in particular, having children can often still mean facing setbacks at work. An RBC study earlier this year found that mothers can face less pay and fewer work opportunities for upwards to v years subsequently a baby is born. "Whether by blueprint or circumstance, women may already be working to limit the hit to income past delaying having children," the report says.

"There is no getting around the fact that the human relationship between gender equality and fertility is very strong," sociologist Philip Cohen told the New York Times. "At that place are no high-fertility countries that are gender equal."

The inevitability of climate change

As temperatures go along to ascent and the furnishings of climate alter get harder to reverse, some people are choosing not to accept kids due to the strain on the planet. A 2017 study institute that that by having ane fewer kid, a family in the adult world would relieve about 58.6 tons of carbon per year. As a outcome, groups like Conceivable Time to come, BirthStrike and Population Matters are encouraging people to consider the climate in their determination about children.

For some, that ways keeping the number low.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article stated that the boilerplate annual toll of raising a child in Canada is $253,946.97. In fact, that's the average total cost.

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